




Support Center

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Support Center
About Us

Service to sign and send electronic
documents for educational institutions

Easy to start
Easy to use
Easy to sign documents

All you need for work

Quick document exchange

Sign with EDS and exchange any documents: letters, invoices, work completion certificates and more.

Contracting with suppliers

Coordinate and sign various types of supply and service contracts online, including bilateral and trilateral agreements.

Employment contracts

Sign employment contracts and agreements online. Send documents to Unified System of Accounting for Employment Contracts in one interface. Integration with service Enbek.kz.

Pricing plans


5 documents
for free

The first 5 documents are sent free of charge


Inbox signature is always free

You or your counterparties can always sign incoming documents free of charge without paying a tariff

After the limit is reached, everything will be saved

All incoming and outgoing documents will be saved forever, and access can be obtained at any time!


Only a legal entity's EDS is needed for signing

The EDS itself is not stored with us; you sign using the EDS file on your system

Main functionality of document flow
for your company

For companies and individual enterpreuners

DG Business

Pre-configured cloud solution for automating core business processes online

5,000 ₸ /month
50,000 ₸ /year

Cost for 1 company

Try for free

5 free documents,
incoming documents are forever free

More info

Automation of business processes of any complexity

For legal entities

DG Platform

A full-fledged BPM system that allows you to digitize and adapt any business processes

Individually calculated

We guarantee the best offer

Easily configurable
system with best practices

More info

What processes can be automated?

Document exchange
Exchange documents with any individuals and companies in electronic legally significant format.
Correspondence with the State Bodies of RK
Send electronic documents to the State Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Labor.
Contracting with legal entities
Sign contracts with EDS online with partners, suppliers, international organizations, other educational institutions and any other counterparties.
Contracting with individuals
Sign contracts with students for education and internships in electronic legitimate format.
Employment contracts
Sign employment contracts with teachers, researchers and other staff online and register contracts on Enbek.kz in one interface.
Online departmental interaction
Automate approval/signing processes and other interactions between faculties, dean's offices, branches, departments and other units.
Conduct online voting among students and institution staff. You can choose the type of voting: with electronic signatures or without.
HR document flow
Digitalize company's HR processes: initiate applications, issue orders, manage employee leave or business trips, and more.
Receiving inquiries
Accept inquiries from students and staff online. Track the progress and status of inquiries. Generate reports on inquiries. Make the process as convenient and transparent as possible.
Any other processes
Documentolog solutions allow you to connect the entire teaching and student staff of the institution to the EDM system for 100% automation of document-oriented processes.

40% of Kazakhstan's universities, all Ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(including the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) already use our solutions

ALMA University
South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
Toraighyrov university (Торайгыров университет)
Академия логистики и транспорта
Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана
Казахстанско-Российский медицинский университет
Университет КАЗГЮУ
Университет Международного Бизнеса
Центр Болонского процесса и академической мобильности
Южно-Казахстанский университет имени М.Ауезова

All universities and colleges